
Sunday, June 9, 2013

I really do feel like I learned some new technology this week. I hate to admit it but this is the first time I have ever posted on youtube...I know, I know, Welcome to the 21st Century ,Mary!  My time management sucks! I went through photo albums and selected pictures. I sat down at my computer to put together my video at 7:30am Saturday morning and I did not finish until 5:30am Sunday morning. I kept messing the music and narration up. I would record it, then not be able to find it so I would record it again. Then both the recordings would play at the same time! I must have done that 10 times! It was driving me nuts!!! I did get finished and I am quite proud of it. Some of you may think it is is definitely a "mom" video!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Frist impression of EDLD 5363

Beginning EDLD 5363
I enjoyed the 3 weeks we had off. Now I need to wake my brain up. Reading the syllabus and the assignments for each week I feel somewhat overwhelmed. I think I am going to learn a lot of really cool stuff that I probably would not have taken the time to learn outside this class. Now to the readings!