
Friday, March 1, 2013

What I have learned about action research

This has been a very informative week for me. When I first saw the subject of this EDLD 5301 course "Action Research" I thought "What the heck is that???" I have now learned that action research is a much more personal type of research in the educational realm. Instead of looking at the research of others and regurgitating statistics and data. I have chosen a topic that is of great interest to me. I acknowledge that I have a negative bias against the topic that I have picked. I hope to be pleasantly surprised and find that developmental (remedial) classes in the context of higher education (community college) are helpful. I promise to keep an open mind in order to become a successful educational leader.
I now feel confident that I will be able to move forward with my research and hopefully make a difference in my "little corner" of the world and beyond. A part of me is afraid that I am opening a "Pandora's box" and the powers that be are not going to be happy with my findings. I have found that some my associates are very closed minded. My site supervisor supports my project and that makes me feel a little better.
Action research is the perfect venue to explore the pros and cons of developmental classes in higher education. I hope to find answers to my questions about this practice. Is it helpful? Is it worth the time and effort of both the students and instructors? Is there something better out there that would help people that want to go to college but lack the knowledge or skills to be successful in college level classes?  It is nice that I will be getting feedback from my peers.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for moving forward with your research. I remember how you had mentioned previously that you had some resistance to your internship plan. Regardless of how they feel, you will be accomplished for having done your research and producing the data. I know first hand about having doubts - I have decent support from many of my peers but still sometimes question the outcome of what I am trying to accomplish in going through the program...Will it change my stars? Will I have to take my next step at another institution because of how those around us like to label people and it is hard to escape that? I just take a deep breath and keep on going. I know that this program will stretch us. Luckily we all in this together!
