
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 reflections

The videos of the 3 leaders was good to watch.  They all had some really good points. They all seem to work really hard. I think it was interesting to hear from the different positions: principal, director of research and superintendent. I could see how action research works on all levels. I was very impressed about the different foundations that are funding the studies. You have to put a lot of work in to receive that kind of resources.

I liked reading how different schools started their wonderings to begin an action research paper. I especially enjoyed the action research that the principal from Park Forest Elementary School in Pennsylvania. I liked the way the whole school participated in the project and each grade had it's own grade/age appropriate observation journals. The way she incorporated all the levels of core curriculum in the environmental project. I am a true believer in hands on experiences are the best form of learning.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my post last night. You all gave me great advice!

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