
Saturday, March 16, 2013

I apologize for the tardiness of this post. After meeting with my site supervisors and taking into consideration their input, this is the 2nd draft of my plan. I welcome any thoughts!
Action Research Plan
Goal: I want to find out if ACC students who have taken developmental class in reading, writing and math have gone on to take college-level classes and how many dropped out.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
I will email each individual campus’ Supervisor of Admissions and Records and the Executive Director of Admissions and Records to determine how many students are currently enrolled in Developmental Reading, Writing, and/or Math classes.
Supervisor of Admissions and Records at the eight individual ACC campuses and
Linda Kluck, Executive Director, Admissions and Records
3/25 - 4/18/2013
Access to the names and email addresses of the supervisors and the executive director of admissions and records.
This will give me a raw number of students enrolled in one or more developmental class to begin my study. I may need to narrow down the number of campuses that I will study.
Interview the instructor(s) of a Developmental Reading, Writing, and Math at the all or some of the   campuses I decide to study.
Instructors of a Developmental class.
Access to the individual instructors.
Compile a list of questions for the interviews.
By interviewing the instructors I can find out how their classes are progressing and other positive or negative factors of teaching these classes.
Gather online data from other 2 year colleges for the type of developmental classes that are offered.
Mary Dunn
Access to online services and search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing
I will be able to compare other 2 year college developmental class enrollment to ACC’s.
Pass out questionnaire to students currently in a developmental class to anonymously answer about the experience they have had in class.

Mary Dunn
Develop a questionnaire.
Access to classes

This will enable me to find out just how students taking these classes feel about them.
Compile answers to the completed questionnaires
Mary Dunn
Completed questionnaires
I be able to determine the number of positive and/or negative answers to the questions.
Conduct interviews the staff of
ACC Learning Labs
Mary Dunn,
Staff of learning labs
Access to the Learning Lab Staff.
Compile a list of questions for the interview.
I will find out how the resources of the Learning Labs are utilized by students enrolled in at least one developmental class
Interview the instructors for results of the   MATD 0332 (Math Plus) Basic Math with Collaborative Learning that ACC is piloting
Mary Dunn
Instructors of MATD 0332
Access to instructors of MATD 0332 and their classrooms/labs
Compile interview questions.
I will be able to find out how effective this new math class is. It has only been offered in the Spring and Summer ’13 Semester.
Conduct research both online and in literature about other alternative developmental classes being planned or  piloted
Mary Dunn
Access to internet and search engine.
Access to ACC and Lamar Library.
I will discover if there are any alternatives to developmental classes.
Obtain statistics on the success rate of students enrolled in developmental classes and  then proceeded to enroll in  college-level courses
Mary Dunn
Admission and Records offices
Access to records of students who transitioned from developmental to college-level classes.
I will be able to  determine if developmental class help students to succeed in college level classes
I will analyze and compare data that I have compiled through the inquiry research project.
Mary Dunn
Access to all data

This will be allow me to compare and contrast the information that I have received through this project.
Prepare a report on my findings and present it to my site supervisor and other interested parties.
Mary Dunn
Final report
This will be the culmination of my study.


  1. Hi Mary. Your plan seems to be well thought out and is organized very well. I'm looking forward to following your progress. Good luck!

  2. Hi Mary,

    I really like your topic in looking into students that have taken entry level courses and seeing how many of them have gone on to take more college level courses. it sure would seem great if there would be a way to figure out how to keep remedial students motivated and encourage them that they can eventually do full college level work. I really do think that your action research will be very interesting, and I will be looking forward to following your progress.

  3. Mary your topic is very insightful and organized. Your findings could be linked with mine on the ability of junior college athletes/students being able to complete their degrees. I know quite a few JC athletes are there for the reason of not being able to qualify in those core areas and have to take developmental classes to be eligible to take those that count towards a degree. Good luck I will be checking your progress.

  4. Mary, what an interesting inquiry project. I work in the elementary level, it's enlightening to see the education system towards the finishing line. I look forward to following you. I also look forward to learning about the correlation between students in remedial classes and how many go on to college. I'm wondering if these students still have to take a study skills course when they do get to college level courses. Best of luck to you!

  5. Great project. I never deal with students on this level but I was asked to help with a special education student on a field trip to a JC Dual Credit Program. Very insightful.
