
Saturday, March 9, 2013

I struggled with this week's assignment. This was mainly due to not feeling connected to the readings. The readings dealt with principal action. Since I do not wish to get my principal certification I found it hard to focus on the "passions." I feel that my research topic about developmental classes in a community college setting is a good one. So week 3...Here I come...ready or not.


  1. You are so right. I am having trouble as well with some of my assignments because its principal related but I am learning a lot though.

  2. I too had a difficult time at first because I kept thinking "I don't want to be a principal, I want to be an insturctional coach". I had to change my frame of mind to "What would I do if I were a principal?" I have become more accepting in the process.

  3. Mary, we're all on the same boat! I also had trouble with the assignment since I don't want to be a principal myself. Just hang in there, like Edna said: at least we're learning an awful lot :)

  4. I have a friend that graduated from this program in the Fall. She said that she felt the same when she first started, but that she has used so much of this information and it has greatly helped her in the classroom. Hopefully we will all feel the same!

  5. I always try to think of the things we are learning in terms of administrators and teachers. That way I can think about how it would apply in various positions. My plan is to keep teaching, get the credentials, and then see where life takes me.

    1. I like that. Let's just go with the flow and lets have some fun. Let's not stress. Less stress is good, just like our facebook group.

  6. I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who is in this program, but not aiming to be a principal. I started to question my reasons for being in the program this week.

  7. I think for me, that is one of the most frustrating parts of this program is that I do not wish to be a Principal, nor work in K-12. However, I do see the value of this program and am still excited about being here in that there are some great things that I will learn and then will have to take those things learned and apply them as I can to working in higher ed. My aim is to be in instructional design and I do see how it can and will help me in that area... I just have to take a deep breath and do not stress. Thank goodness that we have each other to talk to. It truly helps me so much.
